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Ka-lai Chan, native Hong Kong and a historian of Early China. Dr Chan is broadly interested in Xia-shang dynasties, oracle-bone script, unearthed documents and collective memory. He studied History at Chinese University of Hong Kong (MA) and Hong Kong Baptist University (PhD) and taught Chinese history at HKBU and Hong Kong Hang Seng University before becoming Associate Professor at Shandong University in 2019.

Email: [email protected]

教育及工作经历Education and Working Experience

2010–2011香港中文大学历史学文硕士MA in History, CUHK

2011–2014香港浸会大学历史学哲学博士PhD in History, HKBU

2014美国芝加哥大学东亚系访问学人Visiting Scholar, University of Chicago

2014–2018香港浸会大学历史系讲师Lecturer, HKBU

2015–2018香港恆生大学社会科学系讲师Lecturer, Hong Kong Hang Seng University

2019至今幸运轮盘-幸运轮盘线上 副教授Associate Professor, Shandong University

出版专书及书籍Monograph / Books

1. (co-ed. with LIN Zhihui林稚晖)Chinese Culture in New Perspectives论道稷下:新材料、新方向下的中国文化(Jinan: Shandong University Press), under contract.

2.Who were the Chinese? Thy Myth of the Great Yu and the Construction of Chinese Nationhood谁是中国人?大禹传说与华夏民族的建构(Beijing: The Commercial Press), forthcoming.

3. (co-ed. with Clara Wing-chung HO刘咏聪, LIU Oiyan廖蔼欣and Thomas MARLING马铃)Collected Essays of To the Seas and Beyond: An International Conference on the History of the Maritime Silk Road海表方行:海上丝绸之路史国际学术研讨会论文集(Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of History, 2018). 252pp.

4. (ed.)XianQin LiangHan zhengzhi deshi先秦两汉政治得失(Hong Kong: Hong Kong New Media Limited, 2014). 200pp.

同行评审论文Refereed Journal Articles

1. “Literature and History are Inseparable: The Great Yu in Poetry.” International Journal of Literature and Arts, vol. 10, no. 4 (July, 2022): 195–202.

2. “‘Bao’: Babysitter in ShangZhou Dynasties“保”与殷周时期的保母,”Huazhong Guoxue华中国学, vol. 15 (June, 2022): 22–26.

3. “Who was Nie Gulun? China’s Globalization in the Early Ming Dynasty Seen from the Life of Ordinary People on the Silk Road谁是捏古伦?──从丝路上的小人物看明初中国的全球化.”Journal of Yulin Normal University玉林师范学院学报, vol. 42, no. 1 (February, 2021): 118–123.

4. “Debating the Xing(性): In the Light of Xing Zi Ming Chu and Xunzi.”Philosophy Study, vol. 10, no. 12 (December, 2020): 763–769.

5. (a) “Reading Excavated Laozi: The Lens of Western Scholarship.”Cultural and Religious Studies, vol. 8, no. 2 (February, 2020): 102–108.

(b) Chinese translation: Wang Mingqi王明琪trans,〈出土《老子》的研究:以西方学术的视角〉,《中国古典学》,济南:山东大学出版社,2022年,第三辑,页37–47。

6. “Nü in Wofangding: On Female Human Sacrifice in Shang and Zhou Dynasties殷周之际的女性人牲──论我方鼎的“女”.”Historical Studies of Women and Gender妇女与性别史研究, vol. 4 (December 2019): 117–127.

7. “War and Legend: The Origins and Evolution of the Wars of Great Yu战争与传说:大禹传说中的对外战争及其流传.”Chinese Books and Sinology汉籍与汉学, vol. 4 (May 2019): 69–92.

8. “Visible or Invisible? Examining the Gu in the Sources of Early Chinese Medical History有虫还是无虫?──中国上古医疗史中的“蛊”.”Sino-Humanitas人文中国学报, vol. 21(October, 2015): 477–494.

9. “Hen: Examining the Official Historical Writing of the Tang Dynasty through the Regrets of Xue Yuanchao有“恨”难捨──从薛元超之“恨”看唐代修史制度. ”Chung Cheng Journal of History中正历史学报, vol. 17 (December 2014): 27–44.

10. “Yazhang and Shipai: Examining the Relationship between Hong Kong and Asia through the Heritage on Tai Wan“牙璋”与“石拍”──从“大湾文化”的遗物看上古时期香港与亚洲的关係.”The Journal of Chinese Historical Researches中国史研究(韩国), vol. 90 (June, 2014): 1–23.


1. David N. KEIGHTLEY吉德炜,The Ancestral Landscape: Time, Space, and Community in Late Shang China (ca. 1200-1045 B.C.). Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2000. Translated into Chinese by Ka-lai Chan陈嘉礼,祖先的风景:商代晚期的时间、空间和社会(Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Chubanshe, 2021), 203pp.

2. David N. KEIGHTLEY吉德炜,Sources of Shang History: The Oracle Bone Inscriptions of Bronze Age China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978. Translated into Chinese by Ka-lai Chan商代史料(Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Chubanshe), under contract.

3. David PONG庞百腾, “From Reform to Revolution: Rebalancing the Root Causes of the 1911 Revolution.” translated into Chinese by Ka-lai Chan陈嘉礼, in Ricardo King-sang MAK麦劲生, Kam-keung LEE李金强(eds.)The Birth of the Republic – A Collection of Essays in Commemoration of the Centenary of the 1911 Revolution共和维新─辛亥革命百年纪念论文集, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2013. Pp. 19–39.

书籍章节Chapters in Books

1. “Zhongyi and the Historiography of Early China.” In Tze-ki HON (ed.)Dao Companions to the Book of Changes(Cham: Springer), under contract.

2. “Evocation of the History of Early China: Qian Mu's Research of Xia-Shang Dynasties为古史招魂:钱穆的夏商史研究.” In LI Fan李帆, Siu Keung WONG黄兆强and Chi Kin AU区志坚(eds.)Revisiting Ch’ien Mu重访钱穆(上册),Taipei: Showwe Information Co.秀威资讯科技有限公司, 2021. Pp. 369–375.

3. “Yiren and Zhongren: Peasants in Shang Dynasty殷商农业经济下的生产者──“艺人”与“众人”.” In YEUNG Wing Hon杨永汉, Wai Po CHEUNG张伟保and Gavin Sin Hin CHIU赵善轩(eds.)Commemorative Articles of Professor Song Xuwu经济史家宋叙五教授纪念论文集, Taipei: Wanjuanlou万卷楼, 2018. Pp. 111–122.

4. “Who were the Chinese? Rethinking The Myth of the Birth of DaYu and the Construction of Chinese Nationhood再问“谁是中国人?”──大禹出生传说与华夏民族的建构.” In HWANG Shiang Yang黄湘阳(ed.)Proceedings of the 2nd International Academic Conference on the Development of Chinese Culture and Humanities第二届中华文化人文发展国际学术研讨会论文集, Hong Kong: Institute for Advanced Studies in Chinese Literature and History, 2017, Pp. 921–941.

5. “Who were the Chinese? Thy Myth of DaYu Subdued the Flood and the Construction of Chinese Nationhood谁是中国人?神话传说与华夏民族的建构──以大禹治水传说为例.” In HWANG Shiang Yang黄湘阳(ed.)Proceedings of the 1st International Academic Conference on the Development of Chinese Culture and Humanities第一届中华文化人文发展国际学术研讨会论文集, Hong Kong: Institute for Advanced Studies in Chinese Literature and History, 2017. Pp. 377–394.

6. “The Culture of Chinese Divination: Zhen in Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Zhouyi中国卜筮文化的形成──从甲骨文的“贞”到《周易》的“贞”.” In Kai-wing CHOW周佳荣, Wing-chung FAN范永聪(eds.)Dongya Shijie: Zhengzhi, Junshi, Wenhua东亚世界:政治‧军事‧文化, Hong Kong Joint Publishing H.K. Co., Ltd, 2014.Pp. 2–18.


