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冯春田 男。北京大学中文系本科毕业,1981年山东大学古汉语专业研究生毕业,硕士学位。现为山东大学二级教授,博士生导师,幸运轮盘 经学与小学研究所所长。主要从事教学与汉语历史的研究,并曾从古汉语词汇训诂及中国古代哲学角度研究过《文心雕龙》。承担国家社科基金项目“唐五代新兴或特殊虚词研究”(1989)、“明清山东方言语法研究”(02BYY007)、“中古与近代汉语指代词特殊演变研究”(10BYY059)及省、部级社科规划重点课题多项,作为主要承担者之一完成国家级重点项目2项;论著多次获得优秀成果奖励。冯先生献身学术,淡泊名利,辛勤耕耘,业绩卓著,在国内外学术界有重要的学术地位和影响。曾多次被邀参加国内外重要学术会议,还分别由美国世界名人传记中心和英国剑桥世界名人传记中心收入其各自所编的《世界名人录》。



Professor Feng Chuntian

Prof. Feng Chuntian was born inWudi,Shandongprovince, in February the 2nd, 1952. He graduated fromPekingUniversity, majoring in Historical Linguistics of Chinese language, and was conferred the Master's Degree of Classical Chinese inShandongUniversity, 1981. As a Level-2 Professor of Shandong University and a Doctoral Tutor, he is in charge of the Research Center of Confucian Classics and the Philology of Classical Chinese in the Institute of Advanced Study of Confucianism. He is mainly engaged in the research and teaching of historical linguistics, and his academic interest also covers the study ofWenxin Diaolongfrom botha textual researchand exegesis perspective, and a traditional Chinese philosophy perspective. He has presided a number of National Social Science Fund projects, such asResearch on the Emerging or Special Function words in Tang and Five-Dynasties Period(1989),Research on Shandong Dialectal Grammar in Ming and Qing Period(02BYY007),Diachronical Study of the Demonstrative Pronouns in Medieval and Pre-Modern Chinese(10BYY059), and several Social Sciences Planning Projects of the Ministry of Education of China, and a number of projects of the Provincial level. His academic works have won numerous significant awards. Prof. Feng exerts himself to the research of historical linguistics and Chinese classics, and he has made a significant contribution to academic sphere both home and abroad, gaining considerable status and influence. His name has been regularly included in the list of guest scholars of a great number of important national or international conferences, and his brief biography is inWho's Who in the Worldedited by theBiographyCenterof theUnited States, and theBiography Referencepublished byCambridge.

In the research field of Chinese historical linguistics, Prof. Feng insists on exploring the historical evolution of the Chinese language based on the analysis and detailed investigations of historical literature texts. He has published a number of monographs such asResearch on Pre-Modern Chinese Grammar(1991),Pre-Modern Chinese Grammar Study(2000/2003) andResearch on the Grammar of Liaozhai Vulgar Verses(2003),Research on the Grammar ofShandongDialect in Ming and Qing period(2011) and issued a series of relevant academic papers on the Chinese diachronic lexicon and grammar. His work,Research on Pre-Modern Chinese Grammar, won the fifth Wang Li Linguistics Award, hosted byBeijingUniversity. This book also won the first prize of outstanding achievements of Social Sciences inShandongProvince. He has published a series of papers on important journals, to name some as follows:

Research on some grammatial phenomenon of the shuihudi qinjian(Zhongguo Yuwen, 1984(4));Analysis of some grammatical phenomenon of the qinjian(The Study of Language, 1986(2));Analysis of alternative questionpatternsin qinjian (Linguistic Research, 1987(1));Manuscripts of the grammar of the shuihudi qinjian(Essays on Linguistics, 1993, 18 series);The Internal Structure of words in “X-me”pattern(Dongyue Tribune, 1990(6), and reproduced by Language Philology, 1991(1));Some issues on the structure auxiliary “di”(Zhongguo Yuwen, 1990(6));Some issues on dialectal pronounces of liaozhai vulgar verses( Zhongguo Yuwen, 2001(8), and reproduced by Language Philology, 2001(8));Analysis of shandong dialect colloquial words in Ming and Qing period(Linguistic Research, 2002(1));On the numeral structure of “lia” and “sa” with reference to zhao yuanren’s “shiyin” Theory(The Study of Language, 2002(2), and reproduced by Language Philology, 2002(9));Probing into the interrogative pronouns “za” and “sha” in phonological type(Zhongguo Yuwen, 2003(3));Hypothetical auxiliary “zhe” of liaozhai vulgar verses and related problems(Zhongguo Yuwen, 2004(3));Research on the use and formation of “li” in qiludeng(Linguistics Science, 2004(4), and reproduced by Language Philology, 2004(9));Historical research on the adverbs with “cong/fou” as its main structure in chinese(Linguistic Research, 2005(4));The formation of the interrogative pronouns “zuowu” and “shiwu”(Zhongguo Yuwen, 2006(2));The formation of the interrogative pronoun “na” in rhetorical questions(Linguistics Science, 2006(6), and reproduced by Language Philology, 2007(5));On the development of interrogative pronouns “ruowei” and “ruoge”(Linguistics Science, 2008(6));The set of qualifying adjectives related to “ruo”, “re” and “ri” of pre-modern chinese(Essays on Linguistics, 2010, 41st in total series, and reproduced by Language Philology, 2011(2));The formation of the interrogative pronoun “di”(Historical Linguistics, 2008, 1stin series);Some issues on the word formation of question words “duo” and “duozanwan” and some related temporal words(Journal of Chinese history, 2010, 10thin series) and so on.

In the research ofWenxin Diaolong, Prof. Feng investigates the texts and interprets its philosophy and cultural background on the solid basis of true knowledge of Chinese language, settling some issues confusing the academic circle for many years. He is also engaged in the research of Chinese rhetoric, philology, exegesis, and has published three books and some academic papers related toWenxin Diaolong, which make a great contribution to the study of Chinese culture and literature. His works on the study ofWenxin DiaolongincludesInterpretation of Wenxin Diaolong(1986),Lexical Explanation of Wenxin Diaolong(1990) andExplanation of Wenxin Diaolong(2000). His book,Interpretation of Wenxin Diaolong, was awarded the Prize of Outstanding Achievement in the Philosophical and Social Science Research in 1987. His papers on the study ofWenxin Diaolongwere published in national or foreign academic journals, or international academic conference proceedings, such assanshi of wenxin diaolong(Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 1987(2)),Categories and narure: the comparative study of wenxin diaolong and metaphysics in wei and jin period(Sinological Studies in Taibei, 1999, volume 17, (2)),The true virture from personal character to personal text: talking about “wenzhi” of wenxin diaolong as an inheritage of confucius' thought(in Taibei, Confucius Monthly, 1997, volume 35, (12) ),The masterpiece of wenmei theory in the classic chinese: commenting wenxin diaolong(in Taibei, Confucius Monthly, 1997, volume 35, (12)),Taoism into Confucianism: the “nature” theory of wenxin diaolong(in Taibei, Confucius Monthly, 1998,volume 36,(9)) andEmpirical analysis of the concept “nature” of lao-zhuang(Dongyue Tribune, 1998(5)) and so on.