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孙剑艺,男,汉族,1955年12月29日出生,1975年参加工作。1980年大学毕业任中专、中学教师。1985年考取山东大学中文系硕士研究生,师从著名语言学家殷焕先教授(1913-1994)研习音韵学。1988年毕业后留校工作,先后任助教、讲师、副教授, 2003年晋升为教授。曾为山东大学首批青年学术骨干教师。现任幸运轮盘-幸运轮盘线上 经学小学研究所教授,汉语言文字学专业(现代汉语方向)硕士生导师。


Professor Sun Jianyi

Sun Jianyi , man ,the Han nationality , born in 12.29.1955 , started the work in 1975 . Working for the specialized middle school and middle school as a teacher since graduated from the university in 1980. Be admitted to the Master degree candidate of Chinese department of Shan Dong University in 1985, studied a phonology under the famous linguist Yin Huanxian professor’s teaching(1913-1994) . After graduation in 1988 , he retains to work in the university , successively assuming a post of the teaching assistant , lecturer , associate professor , is promoted to the professor in 2003. Once as a first batch of youth learning backbone teacher in Shan Dong University . Presently ,he hold a post as the special field of Chinese language professor and modern Chinese Masters director in the Literature and History and Philosophy research institute of Shan Dong University .

He’s Study direction is modern times Chinese , history of Chinese language , relate to fields such as sociolinguistics , folk custom linguistics in addition , especially with vocabulary , phonetic rhyme , characters and dictionary and study to grow perceptibly. Published more than 70 academic thesis in some publications such as core journal in the homeland, Hong Kong journal announces, also published (1 independent headquarters , 5 headquarters who work together) 6 books. The host bears fifteen Ministry of Education plan funds projects (2001-2005) "20 centuries Chinese society changes and the studying of Chinese appellation develops " (the batch number is: 01 JA740031), In addition, he participates in the " Chinese appellation big dictionary " "Chinese big dictionary abridged editions " "China body of classical writings --The folk custom canon " and some other province part level and state-class problem. The individual thesis "Some Features of Kucong Speech of Lahu Language" gains excellent achievement of Shandong provinces social sciences second prize on one