2018年1月15日,美国布朗大学历史系包筠雅教授捐赠给我院资料室珍贵书籍共12本。这些书籍主要是国外学者对中国书籍史方面的研究成果,如《Text and Ritual in Early China》、《Intellectual Property Law in Chinese Civilization》、《 Publishing,Culture,and Power in Early Modern China》等;也有关于阅读史方面的著作,如《A History of Reading in the West》。这些书在国内皆不易获得。我院资料室获得这些书籍,将极大程度地方便师生阅读和了解书籍史研究动向,有利于推动中国书籍史的进一步发展。
包筠雅,美国哈佛大学博士,现任布朗大学历史系教授、系主任。主要从事中国古代社会文化史、书籍史研究。所著《功过格:明清社会的道德秩序》《文化贸易:清代至民国时期四堡的书籍交易》在学术界产生广泛反响,先后被译介到国内。编有Printing and Book Culture in Late Imperial China [与周启荣(Kai-wing Chow)合编]、From Woodblocks to the Internet: Chinese Publishing and Print Culture in Transition, circa 1800 to 2008[与芮哲非(Christopher A. Reed)合编],均为中国书籍史研究领域的重要成果。
1) Cavallo, Giuglielmo, and Roger Chartier, eds. A History of Reading in the West.
2) Kern, Martin. Text and Ritual in Early China.
3) Alford, William P. To Steal a Book is an Elegant Offense: Intellectual Property Law in Chinese Civilization.
4) Chow, Kai-wing. Publishing, Culture, and Power in Early Modern China.
5) Suarez, Michael F., S.J., and H.R. Woudhuysen, eds. The Book, A Global History.
6) He, Yuming. At Home and the World: Editing the "Glorious Ming" in Woodblock-Printed Books o the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
7) Nugent, Christopher. Manifest in Words, Written on Paper: Producing and Circulating Poetry in Tang Dynasty China.
8) Dennis, Joseph. Writing, Publishing and Reading Local Gazetteers in Imperial China, 100-1700.
9) Chia, Lucille. Printing for Profit: The Commercial Publishers of JIanyang, Fujian (11th-17th Centuries).
10) Schaberg, David. A Patterned Past: Form and Thought in Early Chinese Historiography.
11) McDermott, Joseph, and Peter Burke, eds. The Book Worlds of East Asia and Europe, 1450-1860: Connections and Comparisons.
12) Brokaw, Cynthia. Commerce in Culture: The Sibao Book Trade in the Qing and Republican Periods.